Beyond the Charges

It seems the system I fight for every day has turned against me.

As a criminal defense attorney, I've dedicated my career to protecting the accused. Recently, I was arrested on a malicious, vindictive, and unfounded charge. This experience has been humbling and eye-opening. Now, I not only fight for my clients, but I also fight for myself within a system I know all too well.

To turn my negative into something positive, I am starting this blog series, Beyond the Charges.


But, thanks to this little “snag” (ahem, felony warrant), I can’t spill the legal tea on the specifics of my charge just yet. Fret not, though. While I wait for my day in court—because, let’s face it, every good lawyer deserves their own epic defense—I’ll be dissecting the legal loopholes and systematic shenanigans that allowed this whole fiasco to happen. We will delve into the fascinating (and often frustrating) world of the law, all through the lens of someone who just got a firsthand taste of its all-too-often atrocious application.


Stay tuned for legal insights, hilarious anecdotes (who doesn’t love a lawyer with good stories?), and maybe even a masterclass in how to navigate the legal system when it throws you a curveball (or, in my case, a pair of suspiciously tight handcuffs).

New posts will be published on Mondays at 6am EST

beginning on Monday, July 15, 2024


** All proceeds from this blog will be contributed to pro bono defense cases


25 days post-arrest